Eco Premier

The Eco Premier is available to home owners or investors who have a 7* Residential Efficiency Scorecard or improve their score by one star.

This entitles you to a substantial discount on your whole home loan. Your investment pays for itself and then some.

The Watsons

The Watsons wanted a more sustainable life for their young family. They had purchased an older, yet character filled home in a leafy area of Melbourne. While Summer was a breeze, Winter felt like an ice-chest. In order to lighten their energy footprint, and their bills, they undertook a green rennovation. To ensure that they made the right choices, they got the help of an energy assessor. The assessor suggested that they install solar, dounble glazed windows, better insulation and led lights. With all these improvements they received a 7 Star rating on their Residential Efficieny Scorecard which entitled them to a Green Home Loan.

The discount in interest rate meant that they were saving $183 per month on her monthly loan repayments and $65,680 over the life of the loan.